Amur Tigers

Photo of Amur Tiger

Amur Tigers

Range and Habitat:  Birch forests of Far East Russia, with small pockets found in northern China and North Korea

Diet:  Carnivore

Life Span:  Up to 26 years

Status in the Wild:  Endangered  

Threats to Survival:  Poaching is the immediate threat to the survival of Amur tigers. Tigers are poached and the parts sold on the black market. Tiger forests are also being destroyed for agriculture, urban expansion and illegal logging.

Interesting Facts

  • There were once nine subspecies of tigers. Today only six remain.  One of those is the Amur tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger.
  • The Amur tiger was hunted to near the brink of extinction. By the 1940s, less than 40 animals remained in the wild.  Russia became the first country to grant full protection to the tiger and today there are more than 500 Amur tigers in the wild.
  • Tigers use their stripes as camouflage which allows them to hide in the forests and grasses.  Stripes are unique to each tiger – no two tigers are alike.  They are the only wild cat with stripes.
  • Tigers are excellent swimmers and are one of the few cat species who enjoy being in water.
  • Tigers are the largest of the big cats and the Amur tiger is the largest subspecies of tigers. They can weigh up to 600 pounds and reach 10 feet in length.
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